Flash rev.
Wow! So many madness flashes on NG for madness day. I've sampled a few of the other madness flashes and yours fits somewhere in the top 30%. I like how you decided to use Jamaica as your location. Here is my summary:
-characters and themes are very madness like (I don't remember a doctor in the madness series so that is new for me)
-mercy (some of the guys got a beating by fists, but never the gun shot to the body or head...a rare mercy scene)
-somewhat of a comedy factor when the doctor decides what button to press (I would have chosen the pizza :) )
Some more work:
-lack of realism (What I mean is when a guy is getting shot his body remains motionless and a red blood dot appears on him)
-to be continued! ( well I would have liked a conclusion...the next one better be awesome...doctor vs main character)
-lack of weapons used (the main character just likes weak weapons and the odd sword? I wanted him to pick up the shot gun when he killed that zombie)
-lastly maybe it is just my computer, but the frames skip (eg sword battle where main character runs out of bullets. The sword guy instantly appears next to him)
Overall a nice flash. Better than me...I can't even make flash. Good luck with your sequel. I'll vote 5 and a 8 review.