I see a remix
I forgot who made the original. Classical...that's a first for you (wait no second for you) Not sure what that bass sound is doing in the background. Maybe my speakers are busted, but the song goes all weird. I can't hear the music. Funny maybe both of our speakers are screwed up. Okay I'm gonna download this song. Wow a 10 minute song? That's long. I fast forwarded past that weird part. I like that pad you add in that goes like loud than quiet over and over again. This seems a bit dragged on. You add some drums , but not much else. Okay now some new tune leading the song. Yep a bit dancy music. The piano does come back bringing the song back to classical. Lots of pads must of been in this song. Do I hear strings? Again the strings part kinda drags on. Heh, the song goes wierd for me again. At 8 minute mark and around 1 minute mark of song is when the song screws up. Sounds like fuzzy trumpets I guess. And the song ends. Hmm, do you also hear the messed up parts on your speakers? Maybe resubmit the song into NG after you figure out how to fix those 2 parts or until I can fix my speakers :) This is a very long music story. It's like a big book compared to my little notebook of music stories. Unique, but a quicker transition into new stuff would keep things going forward. Lots of effort must have been done to make such a long piece so 10/10 on that. I can't give you the 10/10 rev. cause those weird parts. Bye for now and enjoy making music.