back to the disco age
yeah time to use the cheesy sounds on your music program. I have tons of them too. Good to know we can actually use them to make a decent song. Your trancy like bass with the hard kick may not have been in the disco age, but the higher pitch sounds sure could be. Sounds a bit like disco techno. You got the harmonies going. I like how you ended the song with that long echo. That zipper sound is so cheesy...makes me feel happy. :) The base line seems to be constant so that keeps the mood of the song intact. Too bad that organ like sound is brief. Did you use alot of special fx or put alot of "glide" to make that rising up and down feel? Constructively made well. Basic stuff sounds good too. Thank goodness for trance synths. Suggestions? Well not pertaining to this song since it sounds good. Others will like it, but you know me. I like to see more complex composition. 5/5 vote, 10/10 review and 10/10 for cheesy factor. Bye for now