what's this? new song...review
well I found out you posted a new song so I'll review this too. The starting happy synth is funky. The song starts slow but when the bass comes in than much better stuff. I see your using harmonies and they are playing different stuff. That's good stuff. I guess kudos to your friend for the composition and a clap to you for making it sound much better. Just piano might have been a tad boring to hear. The song is quite clear...at least to my speakers. Suggestions...hmm well hard to say. I like the atmosphere synths. Maybe the start of the song could have used some improvement. Transition quicker to the action stuff with the bass. So 5/5 voting raising your score..yah and 10/10 review. Hope my suggestion helped you out. I'm easy to please so I lack criticism usually. Oh and effort is still good, but not a 10 since you didn't make the song from scratch..your friend started it for you. Bye for now