I finally got logic express and it took frickin 3 hours just to figure how to get sound on the program. Ahhh my head is hurting. See that what happens when you make music too fast. You run out of ideas. This song is fast paced. I like those.. Ahh whatever 5/5. I just want to make a song now.....bye for now.
Kinda the metropolitan music style. Feel like I'm in the dark city streets of a busy city. That vox sounds familiar. I kinda like this song. That really dancy but I like the mood of the song. I'm not sure what suggestions to make. Not sure what kind of dance music your interested in. Keep up with the vox. Maybe try a guy's voice in the next some to add something new? So a 5/5 voting. Bye for now
You hate macs? What?? Macs are awesome. Yeah window did come out with a computer that is $5000 so that would be sweet but who can afford that? Me too poor. So your new style.. new style?? still ravy to me. Yes if only static electricity could make these sounds. Well a song a static...what's next? Fire cavern? Heh sorry making fun of your song titles. :) The only suggustion is make your name so it is g-D (D=dance) We have soo many raves on NG. Okay wellgood song so you know what I will give you. Bye for now.
What's your new music program? I like the vox but don't match with the song rhythem wise. I like how you add in the bass. Great stuff. Huh?? cuts off....what that's it? Short song...nooo. Well your ending was the best part. Make your next song longer. I actually understood what the vox was saying. Okay so a 9/10 review (shortness killed the 10/10) and a 5/5 cause the bass part was quite nice. Bye for now.
You posted alot of songs in just 3 days!!! Glad your spending most of your time adding to the dance section. My fav section. About the title, well I'm not really dancing...maybe just a little. The bongos really kinda killed the dance. Did I hear a voice in there? Always good to add some voices even if it lasts very briefly. The 2nd half of the song gets more up beat but quite repetitive. Ahh the bongos come back again...that doesn't fit very well. Okay a good song, just add more diversity and more dancier instruments. I will give you a 4/5 voting and 8/10 on review. Keep making more dance songs. We gotta catch up to the techno song count. :) Bye for now.
I recognize the fuzzy tune somewhere before. You add some stuff here and there. So far sounding good. Some weird low noise comes in which kinda doesn't fit with the song. You should add the robotic sound with the low noise together more often rather than as separate entities. Your background tune (fuzzy one) changes very briefly than returns back to normal. Your fuzzy tune is probably the best part of the song since it has that trancy feel to it. As a first song, it was good but kinda sparse on the diversity and synths. Maybe more than just 3 different sounds might make the song better. Still I'm glad I listened to your song and I'm sure in the near future your songs are gonna be amazing. 8/10 on review and since first attempt on full length song I'll give you a 5/5 voting raising your score from 4.67/5 to ?????? well whatever. After I finish this review I'll give you the 5. Bye for now. END
I see you like anime alot. I know a really good anime site but NG admin don't like advertising other ppl sites so I won't say nothing. Okay this is different to your japanamation into beat. You even have vox. Where did you get a decent vox on GB3? Your voice just masked? I don't know what the vox is saying, but it sure makes your song unique. Quite repetitive but I like this one much better than the intro beat. I will give you a 9/10 review and 5/5 voting. Bye for now.
Got back..kinda pissed. I disrespect chinese referees now cause they all suck. Anyway, so the song starts with that weird sound and you have percussion...yah GB3:) I'm confused for a sec where your song is going but that wierd sound comes back. It kinda sounds like the track repeats itself. Kinda like weird sound --> cymbals with weird sound --> just percussion loop --> back to weird sound --> repeat. Hmm okay so finally some new rhythm comes but I heard that tune somewhere before. Lol, I'm beginning to see the crappy percussion again..sigh GB3 fault. I think if you added more to the song instead of the coupling of the weird sound and the percussion loop as the biggest buildup in the song. Since I know the lacking of GB3 I will keep that in mind in your score. You get a 8/10 on review and 4/5 on song. Your score was 3/5 before I voted so I raised it.
So your attempt to make a happy song. Okay so kinda starts really dark. I'm anticipating a happy moment anytime soon. Ahh there is your buildup. Piano comes in and now more sad than dark. Did your year (2006) suck or something? :) This is an emotional depressing song. You said it would be happy. Well at least it isn't mainly a dark song. I'm surprised you made this song before NOVA. You also got a review from Zero-bass which is a real compliment. I like the song, but too sad for me. Arg! I have a midterm tomorrow. Hope I'm not this said after I do the midterm. Okay so I think you put alot of effort to master the organ and piano. Quite a rare occurance to see organ in any electronic song. Originality...very good because of that. Good clarity. So umm that means 10/10 straight out. Only suggestion...make it more happy. This is totally opposite to happy. Okay bye for now.
Yeah, that year didn't go well at times. Mind you, there were good parts to it - this isn't a song of the year overall, but rather I was focusing on the story from its beginning (January 2006) to the latest significant event in that story, in December 2006. Know that's not the ENTIRE story... I'm very likely to continue on this someday. Likely within the month.
This song was originally intended to be a depressing song, which is probably why you think it is one... but the song - on its own, actually - turned into what is in my opinion an uplifting one. I just couldn't stick to my original idea... but if you think I did, okay. Sure, ok. =P It was mostly the piano... I can see why you think it's sad-sounding, though towards the end I think it sounds definitely more uplifting. Hmmm.
So you're surprised that I made it before Nova... you think it's better? I can see why you would.
Yeah, ZB reviewed this song... it was because I asked him to, but it's definitely flaterring nevertheless. =D There's actually no organ in this song... I guess it's just the sound of the instruments combined. Hmm.
A midterm? Good luck! I hope you do well on it. If you're reading this response, you're better off studying! >=( Close that window! Now! XD
I definitely should try harder to make a happier song one day. It's likely it won't happen for a long time, unfortunately, as my subconsious is really the thing in control over the attitude of my songs and I've been in this style for more than a month now... but I'll try. =) Thanks for reviewing!
RAVY dance again. Typical of you but you do a great job with raves. This has that dancy yet techno kind of sound to it. You make songs way too quick. I have midterms :( Have you heard good thing about logic pro music program? I want to buy it so I can add some cool effects and synths to my songs like yours. I give you 5/5 voting wise. Any tips...well make less repetitive but well done song. Bye for now