Something new for me
I barely review industrial music. Sorry in advance for a crappy review. The song doesn't remind me of a lab. Lots of cool industrial sounds. A bit fuzzy...not sure if you purposely made it fuzzy. To me it sounds like a mini boss a factory. :) Those drums go crazy sometimes. It was getting a bit repetitive but you changed into something quite calm. Too bad its soo short. I thought you were entering into a new theme. I actually liked this industrial song better than "Helix" industrial song. Yours isn't all distorted sounding, but then I have no clue what is good industrial and bad. Just go by what I think sounds good to my ears. So to be safe on the marking I'll give you a 5/5 and 9/10. That fuzziness kinda bothered me but everything is good. A tad more diversity too would be nice. Bye for now