Hi Brando,,
Hmm, so you actually made the most generic of all bass dance patterns actually work out to some level in this song. I'm talking about the C A F G pattern (transpose into your key). There are some parts I like in this song and some parts I think need to be touched upon. Great melody though.
1) The intro was actually interesting. A splash on the 2nd bar. Usually I hear it right at the start of the song. Its something new I have not heard of yet. Nice job.
2) 13 seconds I find it hard to hear the new background instrument that comes in. Did you intentionally just want it to be a filler? Sounds like violins maybe? Anyway, if you wanted me to hear that instrument then your going to need to mix that instrument better into this song.
3) 52 seconds nice transition phase. I like your soothing fx sounds.
4) 55 seconds in I guess this is your climax. I didn't find it to be that good. The bass sound didn't fit in this song. All the other instruments are like the heavenly type and in comes some dirty techno house like bass. The moods are very different. I would have gone for a regular bass sound.
5) Also at the climax, I find that lead instrument seems to be over used in a lot of songs. It does bring the party feel, but when your like me who heard thousands of dance songs that use that instrument in almost all of them....well it kinda loses the party effect. I'm assuming you used this instrument to bring more filling to the song. Probably one of the easiest ways to do that. I would be fine with this fuzzy party horn sound if you did some modifications to it rather than keep the generic feel.
6) 1:18 I like what you did with the beat. I think when you return to the climax at 1:30, you should have added some new instrument. A added layer of instrument(s) or anything different. If you think about it, you only spent like 12 seconds away from the climax before returning back to it. That is too short and your song then becomes the same repetitive climax from 55 seconds to 2:41.
7) In more detail about the climax portion: 1:55 I think you pretty much went legato. Added some quick 16th notes at the end of each 2nd bar. I wouldn't consider that as a significant compositional change. It really felt messy here. The percussion cymbals almost died on me. I can still hear the kicks though. I don't know how many instruments you used here because some or perhaps one seems muffled a lot. This seems like a difficult task to make everything more clearer, but it is doable. You used a channel eq for all your instruments I hope? If not, that's the first thing you should do in your next dance song. Will definately change this muffly fuzz fest into a more clearer higher quality song without actually raising the bps rate.
Overall, honestly this is not something much different I hear from guys like Kriz and F-777. Not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm just pointing out that it isn't really a new idea. Some better mixing is needed here. The main melody seems to be well thought of. I was hoping for some more diversity to the melody. Still overall one of the better songs on the AP. Keep it up. 5/5 and 9/10 review.
Bye for now